Macchiareddu TES

Macchiareddu electrical substation and PV plant




Macchiareddu, Cagliari




Terna Energy Solutions
Comal Impianti SPA


CR Project Service has been chosen by Terna Energy Solutions for the realization, in turnkey formula, of a new User Substation 150/20kv 70 MVA in the industrial area of Macchiareddu, at the service of the photovoltaic park of Octopus Investments.
As provided by the Turnkey solution of CR Project Service, the company has carried out all the necessary activities from civil, electrical, and electromechanical design to the testing and commissioning of the plant.

The project also included the construction of MV connections with the photovoltaic fields Monteverdi, Bellini, Corelli, Tartini, Trovaioli, Leoncavallo and Albinoni (all with an average nominal power of about 10 Mwp) and the connection in high voltage through an underground powerline between the HV/ MV Macchiareddu station with the NTG Rumianca station. Finally, to complete the service, a team of technicians followed the procedure of Energization, completed ten months after the start of construction.

Thanks to previous collaborations, Comal Impianti SPA, has once again relied on CR Project Service SRL within the same project, the realization of the electrical field works for the Monteverdi and Trovaioli plants.